First Amendment Abused to Hide Jury Nullification

A man was arrested in Mecosta County Michigan for handing out fliers about jury nullification in front of his local courthouse.   He was charged with tampering with the jury even though the jury had not been impaneled.  Full article can be found below.

Jury nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict of ‘Not Guilty’ despite the jury’s belief that the defendant is guilty of the violation charged.  As quoted in the article, “The jury in effect nullifies a law that it believes is either immoral or wrongly applied to the defendant whose fate they are charged with deciding.”

Jury nullification is an extremely powerful tool in the hands of the citizenry.  If a rogue legislature has passed unfair laws against the will of the people, or the local judiciary is interpreting laws in an unfair or unreasonable manner, then the citizenry, through the power vested in them as jurors, can nullify a law as necessary to suit the will of the people, and hopefully, the ends of justice.  The nullification may only affect the case in which the juror sits, but it sends a clear message to the legislature and judiciary that there is something wrong and needs to be fixed.

What can be gleamed from the article is the local judge, magistrate, and prosecutor did not like the fact that this man was informing his fellow citizens of their rights, especially one that challenged their authority.  Hopefully, this man’s conviction will be overturned and these so called “public servants” will be held accountable for their actions.

This situation highlights the level of lawlessness and corruption that has enveloped our nation.  It is incumbent upon all citizens to resist and refuse to be badgered or intimidated into submission from those flaunting an air of authority.  If you, or someone you know, is being treated unlawfully by government officials, seek help immediately!  The system protects its own so don’t expect “cooler heads” to prevail.  This is exactly the time you need to “lawyer up.”  Restoring justice, liberty, and the rule of law is all of our responsibility.


If you hand out 1 item, you could be arrested

The U.S. Supreme Court has called political pamphlets, once distributed only by hand, “historical weapons in the defense of liberty.” And a fight is on now in a Michigan appeals court over the conviction of a man who did just that. The appeal brief has been filed in the Circuit Court for the County of Mecosta…